Happy Jill Day Everyone!
I’ve never experienced a time before now where time has inexplicably moved so fast and so slow at the same time. I think carrying around such heavy sadness can make the days/weeks feel so long, but then suddenly you blink, and it’s been 2 months already and that doesn’t make sense either! But I know Jill day is not supposed to be about sadness, instead it’s about channeling that sadness into celebrating Jill’s life in some shape or form.
Jill day wasn’t particularly eventful for me being at work, but I did put on what I now refer to as my ‘Jill’ necklace. It’s a beautiful Swarovski crystal necklace that Jill got me for my 21st birthday. It is something that I will always treasure and keep safe, and will only wear on special occasions, Jill day, of course, fits into this category. Jill also got me 21 x$1 scratchies, an oversized 21st glass, an oversized badge and this cute personalised card. I remember all this because I wrote it on the back of the card. The scratchies have long been scratched (and no memorable win to speak of), the card once played music but now doesn’t and I’m not sure what happened to the glass. I can only assume being a large glass, that my brother used it for his oversized beverages and broke it, at least that’s what I’m going with as it sounds like something he would do. The photo of Jill and I is from my 21st party.

After a week of miserable weather here in Mackay, the Sun came out just in time for Jill day, so I finished the day with a walk at the Breakwater Wall at the Marina. Jill’s last visit to Mackay, we walked this wall as she was always up for any type of physical exercise particularly outdoors.

The other thing I did today was to order a print for myself in her memory. I came across ‘The Night Sky’. A personalised star map where you can choose a specific date, location and time.
I chose 12am, 19th November 2022, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Jill’s last evening on Earth. I hope she was able to see some features of the beautiful sky above her during that night. I can’t wait to get the framed print and hang it in my home. The company also develops their products with sustainability in mind and have partnered with onetreeplanted.org to plant one tree for every ten prints ordered with them, which I think Jill would have appreciated too.
On a final note, this Facebook memory popped up today. I have zero recollection of who she was referring to in her message, but I look forward to these memories popping up throughout the year. I’m sure there will be more cryptic ones too.
