It's not that I would say no to this, but I've actually never had the opportunity to go fishing before, so I decided that's what I wanted to do for this one and I enlisted my brother in law Marc to take me.
This turned out to be a really fun afternoon! Marc took me to a nice little secluded spot at high tide, which was at 1pm so it was very hot!

Marc caught the first fish and let me reel it in.
Then I caught my first fish!

I surprised myself with not being horrible at casting!
Perhaps just not every time...
And poor Marc had to re-hook my line 4-5 times after getting stuck on rocks and one tree!

And although we didn't catch anything big enough to eat, we did catch 5 fish between us. Marc catching two and myself catching 3. I'm pleased to say these were all thrown back in with hopefully no lasting damage.

Thanks Marc for teaching me to fish! Look forward to doing it again.
