For Jill Day today, I invited my family out for lunch for some fish & chips at The Lighthouse at Mackay Marina. I was joined by my Mum, my Dad, my sister Sheree, my brother in law Marc and my niece Harper. Following this I built a sandcastle, had some gelato and finished the day planting some natives, more things off the '101 adventures for Jill' list which I will post about separately.

Jill and I always had such similar family values, which is why I think we became fast friends in the first place. Since Jill's passing, it's made me realise even more, how special spending time with family is and also to try and capture these moments in a photo when you can.
When searching through my photos for photos of Jill, it was actually quite upsetting to realise how little photos I had of her when we were younger and the ones I do have are blurry or just not great. I guess it just wasn't the digital age yet and cameras just weren't as accessible as they are today. I ended up going back through my photos a few weeks back, just to double check that I hadn't missed any, and in amongst all the loose photos the photo below dropped out. This was a photo of Jill on our Grade 7 trip to the Science Centre in Brisbane, and that is a photo of Jill's head in a bowl of fruit. It made me laugh when I found it because I obviously cut it down at some point for a frame and this is all that remains. For context on how small it actually is see the photo below it. I have also included some other 'quality' old photos.
