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Best Friends can be Soul Mates too

I've never been that lucky when it comes to love (hopefully one day), but I have been blessed to have some amazing friendships in my life. I'm talking about true, life-long, friendships. The kind of friends that you can go months without seeing/talking to but when you do finally see/talk to them you pick up right where you left off. The kind of friends that truly knows you and would drop everything in an instant to be there for you (in some shape or form) for the hard times or the times that matter most. You know who you are, and Jill was one of the ones top of this list. She was my go-to best friend for even the most uncomfortable or embarrassing conversations. She would never shy away from these types of conversations either and somehow would make me feel so comfortable. She just had the knack of listening without judgement and without interruption. I mean really listening too, which is not a skill everyone has, and is something I myself am working on to get better at with her in mind. She was always genuinely interested in what was going on in my life too and always proud of my achievements even if they felt small to me. What an amazing person, right? Damn straight.

So, with risk of sounding like Charlotte from Sex and the City, when I heard the audio that I used in the video below it certainly resonated with me, and it occurred to me how right they are in saying that Best Friends can be Soul Mates too.


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