This seemed like the perfect one to enlist the help of one of Jill's good friend Jessica Dawes. I met Jess through Jill and particularly remember we all had one wild fun night out in Rocky where we stayed at the "fabulous" Leichhardt Hotel. I had a bunch of photos from that night, including a great one of the three of us doing shots, but somehow Facebook seems to have deleted a bunch of my photos from 2011/2012 which upsets me to this day. I live in hope that one day these photos will somehow be restored. But below is one of Jill & I from that night (which is very blurry because I only recovered it from a collage) and one of Jess and I at Jill's 80's Prom Birthday Party.

Not only is Jess a musician (she is a Music Teacher and Conductor) but she also has her own jewellery making business, so I feel she covers both artist/musician for this item. I've been following Jess's Instagram page for her business 'Resin the Bar Jewellery' since she started it and have always loved her earring designs.
Check out her Instagram page or website below:
So, with my beautiful Kitenge dress getting made, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get some custom earrings to match.
I sent Jess a message and a picture of my fabric and she quickly responded to say she would be willing to try to make them for me.

Less than a week later, she had message me a couple of designs and made my earrings that same day. I promptly paid for my earrings, and she posted them to me, and I had them within few days later. Very quick service I must say! Jess did such an amazing job matching the fabric and I absolutely love them.

Jess told me she got a little teary when making these for me, so I really appreciate her effort in creating these for this Jill adventure. She also so kindly gifted me an extra pair of earrings with my parcel which I plan on wearing for another Jill day.

I have really enjoyed reading all your blogs Cass, they are worded perfectly and get me each time. Thank you for sharing your journey
- Jess