In terms of exploring family history, Dad has already done the hard yards on this one and can actually provide me with family history going back 14 generations - all the way back to the 1600’s! But not to bore anyone by who might read this, I have just included details below of 3 generations, up to my dearly beloved Grandparents.

I loved all my Grandparents and was so lucky to grow up having them in my life.
This was my Grandma Lorraine. I’ve always loved this photo as she looks like a beautiful Hollywood star.

This was my Grandad Keith who we lost last year in 2022. He was always such a quiet gentleman.

This was my Nan Mary. A dancer in her younger age.

I’m sure she would be proud that the dancing gene is still going strong with my niece (her Great Granddaughter) Harper.

And this is my Grandad Terry, who I’ll be using as the ‘share an exciting story/fact’ part of this adventure.

My family of course know the story already, and some friends would know too, but for those who don’t, you may be interested to learn that I only met my Grandad when I was 13. After my Grandad and Nan got divorced, my Nan moved from England to Australia with my dad and his two sisters back in 1971, Dad was only 12 years old. My Grandad remained in the UK for most of his life. Besides from the odd phone call throughout the years, we all, for the most part, did not know Grandad until he visited Australia in 2000. This would be the first time my dad saw his own dad in 29 years and the first time Grandad would meet his 7 grandchildren. I remember being nervous to meet him and when he walked through the airport doors my first thought was ‘he has a tattoo’. I guess I didn’t think Grandad’s had tattoos.

What followed was more than anyone could have expected. Such wonderful memories that included a fun-filled weekend at Ferns Hideaway (which coincidentally is owned by Anna Martin's family and who was there the night we were at the restaurant).

We all fell in love with Grandad and him with all of us. It was so incredibly hard to say goodbye to him after he left to return home (note all our teary faces). But it didn’t take him long to figure out that Australia and his family was now his home and he soon returned for good. In fact, he ended up even becoming an Australian citizen.

For me, it felt like I had known him all my life and I was very close with him. Grandad always seemed so fit and healthy, and I always thought he would be around for many years to come. So, when he got diagnosed with lung cancer and we lost him soon after, it was devastating. No matter what age someone passes, it will never be enough time with them. I miss him dearly.

Jill met my Grandad on a number of occasions and Grandad loved her (who wouldn't). In fact, when looking for any photos of Jill at my parent's place, I only found one and it was amongst Grandad’s photos. The below one of Jill and my cousin Kerri who were also friends.

I’m not sure what awaits us when we leave this place, but I like to think we will meet our loved ones again and I know my Grandad would be looking after Jill for me.