I have never played golf before, so I was planning on cheating a little with this one by doing virtual golf instead. But when I called my sister Sheree to do this with me, to my surprise she told me she loves golf and convinced me instead to do proper golf. And I’m so glad that she did convince me because we had so much fun.
We went to Blacksprings Golf Club and decided to play 9 holes. We hired some clubs and a buggy and bought some balls and tees. The guy who served me must have sensed my inexperience, as he kindly gave me extra balls than I had paid for and did not charge me for the packet of tees.

I dressed up in the closest golf attire I could find from my wardrobe, so I could at least look the part if my unknown golfing skills failed me.

Shockingly enough, I soon discovered that golf is NOT one of my hidden talents 😆 in fact I was rubbish at it. Sheree was at least somewhat better than me, making the holes in less shots than me on all 9 holes, but safe to say she won’t be winning any tournaments anytime soon either.

I lost my first ball on Hole 2 and many more after. It was at this point I was grateful for the extra balls that I’d been given. Sheree made it through the 9 holes only losing one ball. It took us 3hrs to finish the 9 holes and we had two people overtake us on the course. While talking to one of the pairs that overtook us, who clearly were experienced golfers, we told them we’d been playing for nearly 3hrs, at first, they said that wasn’t too bad until they realised, we were playing 9 holes and not 18.

But despite our golfing abilities, we had so much fun playing and driving the buggy around. I would actually play golf again.

Check out video below to see just how bad I was.
Now I’m not sure of Jill’s golfing abilities and not sure if she has played golf before, I’d be interested to hear if anyone knows. Although we all know Jill to of been an active person with her triathlons, hiking etc. I’m not too sure what her sporting abilities are like when it came to eye-hand coordination. My only basis for this is that back in Primary School, Jill, Shona and I were once on a Softball Team. We were running around school at lunch time, I can’t recall if we were running away from someone or each other, but in any case, we were messing around and hastily ran into the library from the back door. What we didn’t realise is that we ran straight into and interrupted a softball sign up meeting. Feeling compelled to stay, we somehow ended up signing up to the team. We were all pretty rubbish though, Jill was assigned Left Field, Shona assigned Centre Field and I was assigned Right Field, the positions that are generally given to the weakest team members. No disrespect to Jill or Shona, but I feel I at least improved as I ended up being promoted to Third Base, but perhaps that wasn't so much based on skills but rather lack of options 🤣 I can’t recall how long we were in the team for, but I do recall travelling to Rocky for a few games to compete against other schools.