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#80. Tape a lottery ticket somewhere for a stranger to find

While I was visiting Yeppoon, I made it my mission to purchase a lotto ticket from Cedar Park Newsagent where Jill used to work. When we were younger, I remember walking to Cedar Park many a weekend when I was bored and would keep Jill company for a bit while she “worked”. Whenever a customer came in, I would wander the shop pretending to look around before we would return to our chats.

So, I was slightly disappointed to find that Cedar Park Newsagent is no longer there and instead is now a Mixed Martial Arts Gym. However, the Supermarket there now sells lotto tickets so close enough. I still had no idea where I was going to leave the lotto ticket, but I noticed there was a Community Notices Board outside the Supermarket so I thought that would be perfect and saved me from having to be creative.

On closer inspection of the Community Notices Board, I knew it was meant to be, as right in the middle of the board was a flyer for ‘Marto Music Memorial Trust Show’ for Anna’s Dad. I didn’t have the privilege of knowing Anna’s Dad, although I have since discovered that he was a very popular man in the community and obviously very special to his family. But what are the chances that this is where I decided to place the lotto ticket and was also about an hour or so before I was meeting up with Anna too! That’s got to be a little sign from above for Anna from her Dad. I of course told Anna about it and got her permission to include this here in my post. Hopefully Jill & Marto will help make it a winning ticket and someone who deserves some good juju will find it.


May 07, 2023

What?! Cedar park newso has closed down?!? Outrageous!!

Cassie Hackney
Cassie Hackney
May 08, 2023
Replying to

I was outraged too! 🤣


May 04, 2023

Love this Cassie. Definitely meant to be 💗


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