Before I made my little trip to Yeppoon, I reached out to Anna to see if she wanted to catch up and if there were any adventures we could do together. She quickly responded back with this one. After watching a 5min YouTube tutorial that Anna found we (or mainly I) felt reasonably confident that we could do it. Our confidence was quickly shattered by the lady at the Causeway Office. She took a look out at the Causeway, where it was quite windy, then looked us up and down like we were nuts and said “It’s not the greatest day for it” like we were a huge inconvenience in her day. She asked us about our experience and we both had little experience only having done it once. The judgement from this lady furthered still. Anna briefly explained the reason we were doing it i.e. we’re honouring our friend with a bucket list of sorts and that today was the only day I was in town to do it. This explanation did little to soften her demeanour. Having knocked out confidence, we decided to just go for half hour, and after her stressing to us that we must stay where she can see us and not float away into the point of no return, we decided to accept the lifejackets that were offered and remain in the roped off kiddies area.

We need not have worried though because, in my opinion, we smashed it. We both stood up on first attempts and were paddling around like pros. Well maybe not pros but definitely more competent than the Office Lady’s expectations. After realising we were in about 60cm of water we felt confident enough to ditch our lifejackets 🤣
I even paddled outside the kiddie ropes for a few seconds, however the wind did make it hard to gain any momentum. But overall we had so much fun doing this one together and both agreed that it is something we would love to do again on a less windy day.
I also love how for a list that Anna & Tessa created together, so many things actually trigger my own Jill memories. Like this one, as the one and only time I have tried SUP before was with Jill on our Hamo Girl’s Trip. SUP and snorkelling equipment were included with our accommodation on the Island, so we did it on the morning after our night out. When I did it with Jill, I do remember it being a lot harder than I thought it would be and the weather conditions weren’t the greatest either. But as always, we had fun.
