I totally cheated on this one and used an AI Story Generator. I'm in no way a writer, but I have always been curious about self publishing through Amazon and one day I would like to explore that in some way just for fun. But, as I am trying to complete the Jill list by (hopefully) the end of year, time is against me.
So, I used the below prompt and it actually returned a little cute story that was one I could relate to that I tried to match with some google images to help tell the story.

Every year, best friends Lily and Sarah had a tradition of getting a photo with Santa Claus. They had been doing this since they were little girls and it had become a cherished tradition for both of them.

It all started when they were six years old. Lily's parents took her to the mall to get her photo taken with Santa. As she stood in line, she spotted Sarah, a girl from her kindergarten class. They had always been friendly but had never really hung out outside of school.

When it was their turn to sit on Santa's lap, Lily and Sarah couldn't contain their excitement. They giggled and chatted with Santa, telling him all about their Christmas wishes. As they left the mall, they exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch.

The following year, they made plans to meet at the mall again and get another photo with Santa. This time, they were both wearing matching holiday dresses and had made each other handmade ornaments as gifts. They were inseparable during the holiday season, attending Christmas parties together and decorating their homes.

As the years went by, their friendship only grew stronger. They continued their tradition of getting a photo with Santa every year, even as they entered high school. They would coordinate their outfits and make sure to get the perfect picture with Santa, no matter how busy their schedules were.

In their senior year of high school, they decided to dress up in silly Christmas sweaters for their photo with Santa. They couldn't believe how far they had come from their first photo together as young girls. They had been through so much together - school dances, heartbreaks, and even family vacations.

After high school, they went off to different colleges but they always made sure to meet up during the holiday season for their Santa photo. Even when they were both busy with exams and papers, they would take a break and spend a day together, reliving childhood memories and catching up on each other's lives.

Ten years had passed since their first Santa photo, and now, as adults, they still continued their tradition. This time, they brought along their own children for the photo. Lily and Sarah were both married with kids of their own, but their friendship remained as strong as ever.

As they sat on Santa's lap with their children, they couldn't help but feel grateful for their friendship. They had been through so much together and their tradition of getting a photo with Santa had become a symbol of their unbreakable bond.

As they left the mall, Lily and Sarah looked at each other and smiled. They knew that no matter where life took them, they would always have each other and their cherished tradition of getting a Santa photo every year.

Although both Jill and I don't have kids, we always hoped that if we did each have kids some day that we would be able to have them in our photo too, so this part of the story tugged at my heartstrings quite a bit. Hope you enjoyed the story and hope by posting it on this blog, which is attached to the 101 Adventures for Jill site, that this counts as publishing it online!