I had my heart set on watching a cricket match for this one because as much as I've always maintained I hate cricket; I know absolutely nothing about the rules, and I have never actually gone to a match, nor have I even sat down and watched a match on tv. So, cricket seemed to fit the criteria. I would have liked to have gone to see a proper big match at the Gabba and perhaps one day I will still do this, but time and money being a factor I thought a local match would suffice. So, when I saw there was a T20 Grand Final at Harrup Park and finding out that T20 Cricket is a lot quicker than Test Cricket or One Day Cricket I thought it will do.
I roped in my friend Jac to sit and watch this one with me, as coincidentally her partner's band 'One for the Road' was playing at the same time. So, we watch the cricket whilst we listened to the band. Two birds, one stone.

The cricket wasn't as bad or as boring as I thought it would be, probably due to the atmosphere at Harrup where it wasn't the only entertainment going on. It also helped that Jac's friend Jen joined us for the first half and was able to explain some of the rules. Thanks Jen!
The game went for about 3hrs and I'm pleased to say we really did make an effort to watch the game in its entirety and try to understand what was going on. For no other reason than based on jersey colour, we decided to go for the 'Blue' team (The Breakers), but unfortunately, we backed the wrong team and they lost 🤣 Kingfishers 3/191 Def Breakers 7/161.

I don't think that this experience has made an avid cricket supporter out of me, but again it was fun to try something new.
