This came about because Jill was born on the 19th August 1986 and passed on the 19th November 2022. It's not always easy to to move past the sadness of it all to instead be able to celebrate her life, but I think it is a far healthier way to spend one's energy on days you can. This is what my year of Jill day's looked like.
January - Just a walk by the water at the harbour with my own thoughts, wearing my necklace I got from Jill for my 21st.

February - Another day by the water, having fish & chips with the family & building a sandcastle for the Jill list.

March - A cheers to Jill with my good friend Jac, listening to some live music at Seabreeze.
April - This one ended up being an unexpectably emotional one for me. After failing to be able to donate plasma, due to not being hydrated enough, emotions took over and the tears fell hard. I did however have a nice chat with Jill's mama bear this day, who is an extraordinary lady whose strength is inspiring.

May - After an emotional day the previous month, I redeemed myself and was able to donate plasma this time. I also spent the day exploring Bowen as part of the Jill list. It was a good day spent exploring some beautiful beaches.

June - A quiet one, with just a walk at the beach sporting my "In a sea full of fish, be a shark like Jill" cap.

July - Inspired by Jill's last picture posted to her social accounts, I went and saw the Barbie movie with my sister & also made some Barbie inspired cupcakes for the ladies at work.

August - Came together with Anna & Tessa & Jill's wonderful family to celebrate Jill's first Heavenly Birthday at Jill's parents beautiful home in Montville. Such a beautiful day despite being another very emotional day for all.

September - Visiting the world's biggest Van Gogh sunflower painting in Emerald a couple days prior to Jill Day. And a late night zoom cheers with Anna & Tess with our Jill inspired cocktails.

October - Very quiet one. I did stumble across this picture with a lady bug which coincidentally Jill's sister Megan also came across and shared too. It definitely is relatable.

November - The one year mark of Jill's passing was never going to be an easy one. I was grateful for the distractions throughout the day though, starting with an early run at the Harbour watching the sunrise (bit of a water theme given Jill loved the beach) & attended my niece's dance concert.

December - Another plasma donation. Due to a dodgey tube they had to change arms after already inserting the needle in one arm, but the Xmas bandages matched my outfit so I wasn't mad.
