This was 'Gorge ourselves on pierogi (with wine)' on Anna & Tessa's list. I was originally supposed to do this with them when we met up in August to celebrate Jill's birthday, however with a 3-hour flight delay and a fully packed schedule I was unable to partake in this one.
Not being a big pierogi or wine fan anyway, I swapped this one out for my own. Although when I told my sister Sheree what the original item was my sister was like "Oh I love pierogi and I love wine!" Go figure! But one thing we do agree on is we love Grease 2. Let me explain.

Grease 2 is SO bad that it is SO good. Sheree and I love to watch a good bad movie or cringey movie and Grease 2 is our favourite that falls into this category, and we watch it together every year or so. Although I must admit the lines, for me at least, are beginning to blur between whether it is a bad movie or an underrated masterpiece. With great songs with lyrics like 'We're gonna score tonight', 'Reproduction, where does the pollen go?' & 'Let's do it for our country' what's not to love? And the BEST song from Michelle Pfieffer 'Cool Rider'.
But the greatest new thing I found out about this movie since the last time we watched it was there was an accidental ball shot in it. It only seemed right that I find it and pause the movie on it...I feel it's what Jill would have done. So here it is. Yep, it does exist!

Thanks, Sheree, for joining me for dinner and watching Grease 2 with me whilst we made our way through our snacks while wearing our sexy revitalising face masks.

P.S. Sheree did not want me to post a photo of her in her facemask. I have no idea why? I think she just couldn't match all the sexiness that is going on in the photo above!