No one could forget Jill’s Frock Friday antics that entertained us all during Covid. Her recycling outfits, including her Mum & Aunt’s wedding dresses, whilst doing run of the mill odd jobs around her Mum & Dad’s house was hysterical. Jill rocked a good frock. I can only imagine her wardrobe was full of dresses, as she wore so many. From casual dresses to smart dresses to kitenge dresses (African fabrics - something I have only been learning about recently from Jill’s friends Coby & Amanda), she had some beautiful dresses and she always looked beautiful wearing them.
Jill's Frock Friday photos were in a league of their own and I dare not emulate them.

So rather than going for a funny photo I instead went for a ‘pretty’ photo. I must say it was quite fun putting in the extra effort in what might have appeared to others for no reason at all. So, while my official Frock Fridays might be over, I might have to pull a Frock Friday every now and then just for myself.

Dress 1 - This is the dress I bought and wore to Jill’s service. Bright colours were a must and I wanted something to match the necklace she gave me for my 21st. This dress will now always be special to me.
Dress 2 - From my wardrobe. Wasn’t a typical ‘Frock Friday’ dress, but the print reminded me of African prints.
Dress 3 - Kmart dress from my wardrobe.
Dress 4 - Bought earlier on in year, not specifically for Frock Friday, but I was thinking of Jill when I bought it.
Dress 5 - From my wardrobe. Bought this for Shona’s baby shower and found I did not like it much after. But after wearing it again I now like it again.
Dress 6 - Online purchase. Buying dresses are always risky for me, as I’m quite busty for my size (something Jill always commented on), but this one fitted like a glove, and I must admit it was my favourite.
Dress 7 - Purchased locally for Frock Friday. My inspiration for this one was the yellow 70’s dress of her Mum’s that she wore (while ironing). Just reminded me of it for some reason and felt like a more modern take on it.
Dress 8 - Bought locally. When I saw the sunflowers, I had to get it 🌻 It was at a one of those stores that are way overpacked with dresses and run by a typical Asian lady. Dress was $55 but lady was like “for you $40” 🤣
Dress 9 - Had this dress for years now and always kept it because I love it. Wore this to two weddings. It is a little tighter than it once was as it’s a size 6, which I would normally not buy, but it was a generous size 6 and was perfect at the time. Would really love that size 8 now.
Dress 10 - Another local purchase, as I was running out of dresses that I deemed Jill worthy. And I added a hat for something different.
Beautiful dresses 💃