Hamilton! Take two. And yes, we are wearing custom made shirts 'Angelica! Eliza! And Peggy!' which received a few impressed comments. If you don't know about the musical Hamilton, then let me educate you.

Hamilton is a biographical sung-and-rapped-through award winning musical that tells the story of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. The show draws heavily from hip hop, as well as R&B, pop, soul, and traditional-style show tunes. It casts non-white actors as the Founding Fathers of the United States and other historical figures. America then, as told by America now.
Might sound a bit odd and you might not know much about the American Revolution or Alexander Hamilton (I certainly didn’t before) but honestly it is the most AMAZING musical I have ever seen! So much so, this was the second time I saw it. I first saw it with my sister in 2021 in Sydney. I had told Jill about it too and she messaged me afterwards asking what I thought, below is the exchange of that message.

The reason I am seeing it again, besides from it being amazing, is that my niece Harper was devastated that she didn’t get to go with us the first time. The age limit was 8yrs and she was 7 at the time, not only that, but we really didn’t want to take her because we wanted to be fully able to enjoy it and wanted to see an evening session too. But we promised her that if it ever came to Brisbane, we would take her then. So, when it was announced in Brisbane, and with Harper now being 9, we jumped at the opportunity to go again, and Dad also joined us too. Our personalised shirts will make sense if you have seen the musical.
I wish Jill could have seen it as I’m sure she would have loved it.
Jill & I did get to see The Broadway Musical Aladdin back in 2018. Jill, Shona & I along with my sister Sheree & her friend Aimee all went together. We had dinner beforehand at a nice restaurant where we all had so much fun, to the point that time got away from us a little and we were pushing time to get ourselves to the show. To delay us all even further, apparently everyone, but myself and Sheree, decided they needed to pee and by the time we got to the show we actually missed the first number 'Arabian Nights'. But in the end, it didn’t matter, we had a great night and as always it was so great to catch up. I said in another one of my posts the other day that my 31st was the last time that the three of us were together, but I was wrong, this was the last time the three of were together.

Below are the near last lines from the last Hamilton song 'Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story', which now resonates to me now then they ever did before.

By the way, Harper thoroughly enjoyed Hamilton. If you get the chance to see it while it is in Brisbane you really should, otherwise you can watch the original cast in the recorded version on Disney+