I coaxed my my sister and niece into do this one with me. Sheree and Harper have both never been geocaching before and I've only done it once before (and clearly forgotten how hard it can be). I decided we would aim to do ten. Harper at first struggled with the concept of finding 'treasure' but not being able to keep it, but after she found the first one, she was excited to do more.
Out of the ten locations we went to, I found four, Harper found two, Sheree found one and we could not find three. The degree of difficulty on all of these were supposedly no greater than a two, but none of these were particularly easy to find, so I hate to think how hard a three, four or five would have been. All up we were out exploring for three hours and some of the hiding places were quite clever.

Earlier in the week my colleague and friend Lisa, who is incredible at painting rocks, sent me two of her latest creations for me to gift to Harper. One for her to keep and one for her to hide. So, I thought this would be a great opportunity for Harper to hide one at one of the locations for the next geocacher. I think if Harper had her way, she would have kept both. She decided though to hide the hippo. Thanks Lisa from Harper 💕

Lisa also surprised me with a rock she painted especially for me to keep. It definitely brought a few tears to my eyes. Lisa is based in Townsville and despite having worked very closely with her the past 12mths and becoming friends, I have actually yet to meet her in person. So, the thoughtfulness of this was just so lovely and appreciated. Thanks again Lisa.
