I tried many times to accomplish this one. It would be easy to just lie and say yes, I did it, but I'm too honest and really try to hold myself accountable. I wouldn't even say I'm a big swearer, but it's hard to remember to not swear! Something I learnt about myself while trying to attempt this, was that I tend to just swear unnecessarily to myself on occasion. And then there were also many occasions where I'm singing along to the radio and there is a cuss word in a song and it slips out while I'm singing!

So yes, I failed on this one. Unless a week is 7 days cumulatively??? It's all relative, so I think Jill would give me a pass on this one and by her own attempt at this, it sounds like she struggled with this one too. As Thomas Edison said “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work".
Here are some facts about swear words that you may not know:
Swearing could earn you the death penalty in the Byzantine Empire during the 6th century.
Some languages, notably Japanese, don’t have swear words.
Swear words are typically four letters and are one syllable.
The word rooster was made in the 18th century to avoid saying “cock.”
Swearing can help you to better handle pain.
People tend to swear more in public than they did just 30 years ago.
Swearing can help make your arguments move persuasive in some scenarios.
People who swear often are known to lie less.
Some suggest that swearing is linked to having a higher IQ.
The word “b*tch” was first used to describe a female dog.
The C-word dates all the way back to 1325.
Sh*t and f*ck are both rooted in German.
According to cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker, there are five functions of swearing: abusive swearing, cathartic swearing, dysphemistic swearing, emphatic swearing and idiomatic swearing.
“ Gone with the Wind’s” famous line “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn,” was one of the first examples of swearing in a feature film.
During the 1960s, comedian Lenny Bruce was arrested on numerous occasions for swearing in his live shows.
The word f*ck originally meant to strike or to hit.
Motherf*cker gained popular use through Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slaughterhouse-Five.”
According to Buzz Bingo, 2013’s “The Wolf of Wallstreet” contains the most swear words with 715.
Actors Jonah Hill, Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L Jackson have sworn the most in their film roles.
Children are more likely to learn a swear word before memorizing the alphabet.
The average person vocabulary is .7% swear words.
Copralalia is the involuntary and repetitive compulsion to swear.
Sh*t is the most commonly used cuss word on Facebook.
A string of symbols used to replace swear words, such as ” @#$%!” is called a grawlix.