Given last Xmas did not feel like Xmas at all, for obvious reasons, I wanted to get my Xmas spirit back this year, it is after all what Jill would want. I didn't put my tree up last year, so what better way to kick off the Xmas season by decorating and making my Xmas tree GRAND! (Nod to original list item 😉).
I decided to do a Grinch Tree. I had an inspiration photo and bought some green and red baubles a week ago and ordered a grinch head, hands, and feet online. The Grinch arrived and it was a LOT smaller than I anticipated but seeing as I have a fairly skinny and small tree, I was determined to make it work. I had bought some green and red baubles a week prior but knew I would need to pick up some more. The day of decorating my tree I go out to buy some more and was able to pick up some more green baubles but struggled to find any red baubles as they were all sold out! I tried Solly's, Coles, Woolies, Thrifties, Spotlight, Dollars & Sense, Target, The Reject Shop, Bargain Point & Myers. I finally managed to find the last four packets at Big W and found a couple packets from Bed Bath N' Table, which were more than I wanted to pay but at this point I was desperate and overlooking. Luckily this ended up being enough and I even had a packet left over.
And here is the end result. He's a skinny Grinch for sure, but I still think it's effective.

And here is how it looks at night with the lights:

Thanks to my niece and sister for helping.

This is another one I switched out from the list for my own idea. On the original 101 Adventures List for Jill this is 'Buy a stapler, get 'Cecily' engraved in it and leave it somewhere GRAND.' For the hilarious background story check out Tessa & Anna's posts below: