No. 12. Buy a Mary Kay product and use it semi-regularly
I didn't know Jill's connection to Mary Kay and honestly, I had never even heard of Mary Kay products before. But Tessa and Anna informed me that Jill, at one stage, was a Mary Kay consultant (apparently to take advantage of the consultant discount for her own purchases). So, if I did know at the time I clearly forgot, or perhaps she was a good friend and just didn't try to push the products on me or try to get me to host parties like some consultant friends tend to do. But regardless, I love that after all these years I am still learning things about my friend.
This felt like an easy one for me to tick off. Like Jill, I too like to don a signature red lip from time to time and I needed a new red lip gloss after misplacing mine recently. After learning that Mary Kay products are no longer available in Australia, I had to order through eBay and paid more for the postage than the product itself, as it was from a seller in the States!

No. 17. Wear Poeme (Jill's favourite perfume) somewhere fabulous.
Once again, this was another new thing I learnt about Jill. I never knew she had a favourite perfume, I guess it never came up or I never thought to ask.
I'm not sure if the perfume is slowly being discontinued, but it seems it is becoming more difficult to purchase. Tessa, having already acquired herself a bottle, was kind enough to offer for Anna & I to use some of hers to complete this adventure, however I thought I would check out my local Myer and see if by chance they had any. As fate would have it, they did have two 30ml bottles left, but just not on display, so I purchased one.
I have never worn Poeme before but upon reading its description, I love how it coincidentally describes Jill...
'Spirited. Adventurous. Intuitive. A fragrance beyond words'.

It also happened to come with this free gift below, which I thought was very appropriate, as the cosmetic bag says, 'Happiness Inside' and one of the products is what I think would be a very Jill approved red lipstick.

The plan was always to wear Poeme on Jill's Birthday when Anna, Tessa and I met up. We were all so honoured to be invited to celebrate Jill's Birthday with her family at their home in Montville, so pretty sure that counts as somewhere fabulous. I wore Poeme whilst also wearing my Mary Kay Iconic Red Lip Gloss paired with my free Lancôme Red Lipstick. A Jill triple threat. I'll definitely will be using my MK Lip Gloss semi-regularly and I'll be putting the rest of my Poeme bottle away to use for special occasions or for when I need a bit of Jill inspired spirit.
