I haven't been to a lot of trivia nights, but trivia is always guaranteed to be a fun night, and this night was no exception. I was joined by Jac, Tanya & Ella, my lovely work colleagues/friends and we went to Souths Surburban Bowls Club where they do trivia every Thursday night. We walked in with zero expectations to win any prizes and very little confidence in our trivia knowledge, which was good because we walked out with zero prizes and somehow even less confidence in our trivia knowledge. We came 9th place aka last place! But we had a good crack and the ladies managed to polish off two bottles of wine (I was driving). Our Trivia Team name was Girls be Sippin' a throwback to our original work lotto syndicate name before we changed it to Girls be Quittin'.

Highlights include:
Getting to the end of trivia only to realise we had an extra page left over in our booklet. We realised we had written (or rather I had written 😅) the Round 1 answers on the Categories page! Yep, I had one job! Luckily though, this seemed to have no impact on our already dismal score.

Jac getting a flag question right! Jac & I have done trivia once before where there was a category on flags. Given Jac has done quite a bit of travelling, expectations on her were high for this category, but we soon found out that her flag expertise was pretty shite (as she would say) and hence a running joke about her flag expertise was born. So, when she got a correct answer on a flag question this time round, I was proud as punch. It almost made up for the incorrect Pineapple answer she gave! (Inside joke🤣).

In honour of Jill, I wore my Dancing Twigas shirt that I wore recently in Brisbane. I love the little signs of Jill I come across when sometimes doing these adventures and would you believe there was an African question, and the answer was Tanzania?! And would you believe we got this wrong?! 🤦🏼♀️ Let me preface this by saying that I'm really bad at geography! The question was 'Dodoma is the capital city of which African nation - Burundi, Rwanda or Tanzania?' As soon as the question came up, I smiled, and talk turned to Jill but for some reason we ended up locking in Burundi. We were all kicking ourselves after, I mean she even sent me the question with multiple choice answers! 🤣 But getting it wrong fit the theme of the night and I'm sure Jill would be laughing or screaming at me from above.

Despite coming last on 54 points, we had a really fun night. In our defence, it should be noted that we were only two points behind 8th place, we were the smallest team in the room, and we were a new team where the host informed us that the other teams attend regularly. So, we are somewhat hopeful that if we go again, we might be able to climb that ladder...maybe. Many thanks to Tanya, Ella & Jac for coming with me, four heads are better than one, although as we learnt not by much!